Best Practices voor Applicaties in de Cloud
U overweegt uw applicaties in een (private) cloud as a service te ontwikkelen of plaatsen?
Kom dan naar onze kennissessie Best Practices voor Applicaties in de Cloud in de ochtend van 21 april en ontmoet de cloud experts van de strategische partners HP, NBRiX en Progress.
Informeer uzelf over:
Datum: | 21 April |
Locatie: | NBRiX DataCenter, Tilburg |
8.00-9.00 Ontvangst met ontbijt .
9.00-12.00 Kennissessie.
Vanaf 12 uur sluiten we af met een lunch.
Wij heten u van harte welkom!
For most companies, moving applications to the cloud means modernizing their existing 'systems of record' and building completely new 'systems of engagement' that connect with users through compelling cloud-native applications and mobile ‘apps'. Unfortunately, some companies are also learning the hard way that this is a journey into new, unexplored territory with many potential pitfalls.
NBRiX – with its strategic partners HP and Progress Software -- is hosting an invitation-only event where we will outline the 3 emerging 'application development & deployment' best practices that have been learned through many recent real-life engagements. These have enabled our customers to meet the new business requirements for fast time-to-market for new applications, rapid ROI, and just as important, put them on the right road to compliance with the new EU data privacy regulations due to come into force later this year.
At this event, you will learn how to:
- Implement an application development strategy which meets the growing customer -- and business -- expectation for faster time-to-market for new applications
- Avoid the creeping IT complexity and cost resulting from detailed technical issues which unexpectedly & suddenly become critical business problems
- Insure legislative compliance with the new GDPR by using an ‘In-country’ private cloud hosted at a service provider who is compliant with local data security laws.